MOVA Users Group

The MOVA Users Group took place at The Nottingham Conference Centre on Tuesday 10th September 2024, immediately preceding the JCT Traffic Signals Symposium & Exhibition.

MOVA Users Group Partners

The MOVA Users Group is an independent event to the Symposium and is funded by Partners who are either MOVA providers or who have a legitimate interest in MOVA. In return for providing the event free to delegates, Partners are privy to delegates names and contact e mail addresses and may subsequently contact delegates to inform them of the latest developments in their products and services.


The next MOVA Users Group will take place on 23rd September 2025 at The Royal Armouries in Leeds and will be facilitated by JCT Consultancy. The MOVA Users Group immediately precedes the Traffic Signals Symposium on the 24th and 25th of September 2025 and the User Group is free to attend PROVIDED you have booked in advance.

The MOVA Users Group particularly encourage attendees to take to the floor during the open session with specific topics, examples or experiences from recent projects, innovative solutions etc., which can form the basis of discussions. Amongst the topics, there will be discussion on the latest progress and requirements for MOVA.

The 2024 MOVA Users Group attracted around a 100 attendees and was well supported by leading MOVA suppliers and interested Companies. Technical papers are the bedrock of the event and The MOVA Chair is now calling for presentations for 2025.  If you would like to submit a proposal please contact the  Users Group Forum at, alternatively get in touch with JCT and we will forward your proposal to the Chair.



Presentations were delivered both by Partners (who facilitate the event) or by Users. The 2023 presentations are listed below in the order that they were delivered.

As a relatively new user of MOVA, this presentation will follow Rebecca's journey into MOVA design and validation, as well as some interesting points on what she found and obstacles experienced along the way.  Intended to spark audience discussion and thoughts about why all Traffic Signal Engineers can undertake MOVA design and validation, as well as how we are all accountable for upskilling the future generation of MOVA engineers.

Mark Crabtree will review the history of MOVA and the users group and suggest how the software might develop.

A good design of traffic control for construction sites will maximise safety and minimise delays for traffic. At sites with busy traffic, fixed time traffic signal control could create significant delays and uncomfortable conditions for both drivers and site workers. Chris and Tom’s presentation will utilise microsimulation modelling to demonstrate how MOVA, delivered with appropriate temporary traffic control arrangements, can help reduce delays and improve safety at a construction site but also provide the scheme with a dynamic and iterative traffic signal operation that can be optimised throughout the scheme built.

Devrim Kara from PTV will share news on developments in PTV's software and linking with MOVA

Dan Preece is an accomplished MOVA engineer and will share information on recent projects and offer advice on advanced techniques. 

John will be providing details on:

  • Latest Chameleon MOVA releases - what's new
  • Centrally triggered bus priority in MOVA
  • Known issues and workarounds
  • How to access software and documentation
  • New platforms; integral and stand-alone

John will also be discussing the topic of centrally triggered bus priority. He will explain how RTIG priority request messages received by SWARCO's instation software (TMS or MyCity) can trigger bus priority in MOVA running on a Chameleon outstation.

MOVA linking is a technique that allows multiple junctions or roundabout nodes to communicate and cooperate with each other through MOVA control. When done correctly, it can improve traffic efficiency and reduce congestion. However, it also poses the risk of node dominance, where one node dominates the operation of the others and limits their flexibility. In this presentation, Sam will share some examples of how, over the last year, he has used MOVA8 features to overcome node dominance and achieve balanced control in MOVA linking schemes.

Yunex are a leading supplier  of MOVA and Martin will be discussing any new developments in their MOVA offering.

Chris is a MOVA expert and will be presenting details of his latest innovative schemes using MOVA as well as discussing the training opportunities he can provide.

Telent are a supplier of MOVA and Iain will be discussing their current product offer.

SRL are a leading supplier of temporary and semi permanent traffic signals and control systems. Max will be sharing the latest developments in relation to their product portfolio and MOVA.

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