Staffordshire County Council (SCC) won funding to take part in the live labs project, funded by the DFT. They worked alongside Amey, Keele University and the Connected Places Catapult. Over 130 SMEs submitted applications to address mobility and air quality challenges. Colleagues from across the organisations worked together to select 10 projects.
Now Wireless were a successful SME to aid the reduction in air quality, outside a care home on the inner ring road of Newcastle-Under-Lyme. They proposed to use artificial intelligence to predict pollution an hour ahead of time. The results implemented special plans into SCC’s TMS system. The plans enabled traffic to be gated outside the town centre, to reduce pollution in the town centre. This paper will explain the detail of the delivery of the project, highlight the results of a positive reduction in air quality and explain how SCC plan to implement this in other towns within Staffordshire.
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